What was the internet like in the olden times?
I've been investigating what "The Internet" was like back in the "Olden Days" when it was first being discovered and I was forunate enough to interview someone from the "Olden Days" who remembers the internet.
What was your first memory of the internet?
Well you see, I had never heard of the internet. I didn't know what it was, back in those days we only had telephones and there was a buzz around, I don't think many people knew about the internet. In-fact it was mentioned to me in my local post office, I think only fourteen or so people knew about it.
Do you remember when you first went on the internet what pages you visited?
Well back in my days the internet was in Black and White and it was only switched on between the hours of 2 - 5PM you see. If you logged in too late you'd be greeted with a "Closed" sign. You see back in my day colour hadn't been invented and website's were various shades of grey, I believe the first thing I saw was a cat meme in dark grey.
How long did it take you to get used to using the internet?
Well, the internet was a very alien concept to me you see, I remember looking at the keyboard for ages and trying to type, it was a bit like a typewriter but the ink would be displayed on my old CRT Monitor.
See the kids these days with their 240hz screens have it easy, back in my day we have a 1Hz screen meaning it would refresh very slowly, sometimes in-fact it was so slow we could make a cuppa tea inbetween.
It did take a while to get used to the internet, one of the first websites I visited was catswithhats.com I believe this site has gone now, but used to show cats with hats, those memes were super popular in my day.
Was there anything else you miss about the old internet?
Oh yes, I miss a lot. Kids these days have got it lucky you see, because in my day the mouse for the computer was a real live mouse, you had to feed and look after it or else you wouldn't be able to use the computer. However I miss the days where I could feed my mouse.
We also had message boards where we could talk shit to eachother, I remember hearing the titanic had sunk and all the memes which came out about it. Those were good times, all these modern kids don't know how easy they had it.