Is the Medic from Team Fortress 2 actually Tedisson?

Is the Medic from Team Fortress 2 actually Tedisson?
The likeness is uncanny!

I have known Ted for quite a while now and can't shake the feeling that he might actually be the Medic from Team Fortress 2. I mean, hear me out on this one. First off, they're both German. That's already a pretty big coincidence, right? But it gets even weirder.

Tedission has this thick German accent that's almost identical to the Medic's. It's like they went to the same accent school or something. And don't even get me started on their fashion sense. I'm no style guru, but let's just say that neither of them will be winning any best-dressed awards anytime soon. It's like they both raided the same discount bin at the local thrift store.

But the real kicker? They both heal people with a healing gun. I'm not even joking. Tedission is often a Mercy main when he plays Overwatch on his streams, and he's always zipping around, keeping his teammates alive with that trusty healing beam. Sound familiar? It's like he's channeling his inner Medic every time he plays.

I'm starting to wonder if Tedission is just the Medic's secret identity. Like, maybe he got tired of the whole mercenary thing and decided to become a Twitch streamer instead. It would explain the similar hairstyles, too. I bet he just couldn't let go of that signature look.

The Look

  • Ted and The Medic Wear Round Glasses
  • The Medic and Ted have a faded hair cut. (Ted dyed his hair but his natural hair colour is the same)
  • The facial struture is basically identical (Look at the ears)

The Accent

First of all lets hear the similar accents, here is a voice clip of the Medic in Team Fortress 2.

Soundclip of The Medic in Team Fotress 2

Now here is a clip of Ted saying the same.

Soundclip of Tedisson

See? They sound Identical to me.


  • Is borderline psychopathic ✅
  • Both Speak with a German Accent ✅
  • Slightly sadistic and enjoys experimenting on his teammates ✅
  • Believes that healing is a secondary mission to his primary mission ✅
  • Often laughs maniacally when unleashing his Übercharge or Mercy Beam ✅
  • Prefers to stay behind the front lines, healing and supporting his teammates ✅
  • Can be heard calling out for his teammates when he needs protection ✅
  • Has a rivalry with the enemy team's Medic ✅

Wow, the similarities between Ted and the Medic from Team Fortress 2 are uncanny, aren't they? From the thick German accent that sounds like they were taught at the same place, to their unique sense of style that seems like they share a wardrobe, it's almost too much to chalk up to mere coincidence.

Piecing all this together, it's hard not to wonder if Ted and the Medic are, in some alternate reality or under some clever disguise, the same person.

This is a parody check out Ted here he is awesome: